Aasiri Wickremage

Aasiri Wickremage

Member since Tuesday 12th Mar, 2024

Award winner at the London Biennale 2019.
Artist on Artsy.

Born and raised in Sri Lanka and currently residing in Surrey, UK, Aasiri Wickremage is a dynamic force in the contemporary art scene, infusing her work with a rich tapestry of cultural influences and global experiences. Her artistic journey is a reflection of her diverse background, shaped by the places she has lived and the destinations she has explored.

Drawing inspiration from her Sri Lankan roots and her travels around the world, Aasiri creates captivating artworks that transport viewers to distant lands and evoke a sense of wanderlust. Each painting offers a unique perspective, capturing the essence of the landscapes she has encountered with a fresh and innovative approach.

From expansive vistas to intricate architectural details, [Artist's Name] explores the interplay between scale and abstraction, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the ever-changing landscapes of her imagination. Her paintings often feature abstract buildings that serve as focal points within larger scenes, providing glimpses into the vibrant tapestry of urban life.

One of the hallmarks of Aasiri's work is her masterful use of color to convey mood and atmosphere. With a bold and vibrant palette, she brings her subjects to life, capturing the subtle shifts in lighting and the emotional resonance of each scene. Whether depicting the golden hues of a sunset or the soft glow of city lights at night, her paintings pulsate with energy and emotion.

Aasiri has exhibited her work in galleries and art events across the UK and abroad, garnering acclaim for her distinctive style and innovative approach. With each new painting, she continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, inviting viewers on a journey of discovery and exploration.