Alexis Butterfield

Alexis Butterfield

Member since Monday 8th Apr, 2024

I am a designer with over 25 years experience in the architectural industry and advising to the heritage sector. I never stop being astonished and inspired by the historic buildings and places that surround me. I live in South Liverpool, and my recent work records the historic buildings of the city as they catch my eye. I record how I respond to them and the distinct personalities they each have through my drawings and paintings. I'll often spend quite a long time with a building, but aim to capture that initial impact - what struck me first?

My work always starts with sketches on the spot. It is then completed in my office and studio - usually combining pen, ink, watercolour and a candle wax resist to help me create sharper contrasts and textures. The style of my work is fabulously mid-century modern and has been accurately described as using an out of date style of art, to draw even more out of date buildings!